Market City, Bannister Rd, Canningvale, WA 6155

Product of the Month (July 2016) – KOHLRABI

What is Kohlrabi?

Kohlrabi is a member of the cabbage family. Having the same origins as broccoli Brussel sprouts cabbage, cauliflower and kale.

Originating from northern Europe, the vegetable is used in many German speaking areas of Europe as well as in varying parts of Asia.

The whole plant can be eaten. This includes the bulb, leaves and stems. The flavour is said to be similar to the stem of broccoli or the hearts of cabbage but sweeter.  The Kohlrabi can be used in a raw or cooked state. Many recipes exist for Kohlrabi from salad to stews and stir fries.

Currently both green and red Kohlrabi is available. There are 20 bunches to each carton.

